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Old 6th June 2015, 06:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default Silver Stocked Kubur Pistol

Hello all. Well, another week, another gun posted.
This is one of my favorite Kubur pistols in my collection. At first, I thought this might be a celina or ledenica pistol made for the Montenegrin market. Or Northern Albanian/Greek pistol. But the top of the barrel has the marking of what I recall is the Albanian national bird crest. If so, this may have been built in a Northern Albanian shop. The stock is made of one piece of silver, with a long single silver barrel band. It has the typical Balkan/Albanian style lock with a very faint makers mark. Lock in good working order. And you can see the typical "false ramrod" impersonation.
Any other possible origins for this pistol? Anyway, picture heavy. Hope you enjoy. And thanks for looking.
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