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Old 3rd June 2015, 10:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by CharlesS
Please share your thoughts on anything about the sword...its origins, construction, or otherwise.

I would be most interested in seeing examples of other original peudeung scabbards to give me some ideas to go by in completing this wooden one. Thanks for any pics here.
Dear Charles,

A very nice example.

I believe you already give a lot of details about the origin and construction.
I agree with the theory that this blade was bought from outside Atjeh.
There are also examples with english factory made trade blades.
So why not trade a wootz blade from India ?

The spike like protrusion is quite bend. Maybe that can be restored / straitened ?

As for the scabbards.
There are a few examples on

Ps, the original scabbard that came with your example, is it not wood covered with leather ? I would try to get the inside of the original scabbard cleaned in order to maintain the original scabbard.

Best regards,
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