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Old 3rd June 2015, 02:15 PM   #4
EAAF Staff
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Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 926
Lightbulb Discount sale now underway

I am currently having another 'Cut Out the Middleman Sale' on the Lew Waldman Collection Sale Webpage and this event runs through Sunday, June 14. Everything previously offered has been marked down by at least 10% and some items have had price cuts of 25%. The next sale event is anticipated for October.

The remainder of Lew's spears are now up at auction along with several African items including a throwing knife and a Batammaliba buckler. There is even a mystery knife (kitchen versus surgical suite).

The webpage also now contains a preview image for everything else in the collection that can be sold. A number of kukris and large Philippine working knives are in the queue along with an assortment of keris bits and pieces.
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