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Old 28th May 2015, 07:47 AM   #3
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Default Jamadhar Katari

Hello Brian,

What you have is a Jamadhar Katari. It comes from the southern part of the Hindu Kush valleys ("Chitral") of Pakistan. It is very similar in appearance to the Chilanum with a broad flat pommel with an equal size cross guard. Unlike the Chilanum which is cast as one piece, the jamadhar katari’s blade is pinned to the guard and is sharp on only one side, not both sides. The Jamadhar Katari today appears far from its origin in the Hindu Kush area, including portions of India and even Nepal.

The jamadhar katari is attributed to the Kafirs (also known as Kalash), an ethnic group located in the southern part of the Hindu Kush valleys, just across the border from Chitral, Pakistan. Today, this is a region of Afghanistan known historically as Kafiristan and today as Nurestan (Nuristan, Nooristan).

Congratulations. These are interesting weapons that provide an entry point into some fascinating history of the area.

Dave A.
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