Here are close up pics showing the two types of "flase" ramrods encounted on these pistols. One shows the short piece of rod that just covers the groove of the stock. While the other just just shows an impression of a ramrod carved into the stock. As discussed on another Post, in this Region, it was preferred to load these pistols with a seperate rod called a Suma. Either suspended from the neck or tucked in a sash. But I believe it was simply a styling exercise to further accomodate the look of the European pistols.
Another interesting observation is that during this period, there seemed to be a preference for the French style of flintlock being used on the pistols, but retaining the Miquelet style lock for the long guns. Not always. But notice most of the Tufuk rifles you encounter today, and their continued use of the Miquelet. Not really sure why.