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Old 25th May 2015, 03:35 AM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Cerjak, thank you so much for responding. I was wondering if these comments were of interest to you, and was hoping you might add your own thoughts of what the hilt might be. Perhaps if you might add any data on provenance of the piece and what context it might have been from, also it is always helpful to know what resources you used in your research.

As Mark has well explained, these kinds of hilts have as many variations as there were artisans creating them, and the theme of these pierced dots in striated fashion were as noted found on a number of Spanish colonial hilts of the 19th century.

I will add images of some examples which might illustrate what we are describing, but an exact match is unlikely as these were not fabricated using a pattern book, but artisans interpretations of known forms and functional elements using often 'recycled parts'. I have seen such pieces using old 18th century dragoon blades, three bar cavalry guards and briquette grips, among other examples.

Would be interested to hear your views.

Best regards,
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