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Old 20th May 2015, 09:02 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Roland_M

I think, all the items are from Africa. I see two shields and two spears.

Here is a link to one of the shields, which i identify as a shield: and another one with african items: (Page 3)

The items seems to be old, but it is hard to judge, because africans are very skillful specialists in artificially aging.

Kind regards Roland
I know they are not fakes. My great grandfather and grandfather traveled all over the world during their years in the military and have passed down to me, collectibles from years dated as early as the 1800's. All have been identified as authentic. No fakes in any of the items all originals.
I really appreciate the help with these items. If you come across anyone who may know more, please direct them my way. I cant tell you how much I appreciate your help and your knowledge.
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