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Old 15th May 2015, 01:33 PM   #3
EAAF Staff
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Default the sale continues...

There are presently a dozen 'fresh' items on their first eBay pass including several jambiyas, a kaskara, a nice old telek dagger, a Bhutanese dagger with 'hairpin' laminated blade, a Burmese dagger, some African items and also items from the Philippines.

The process of listing the collection is on the home stretch, but it will likely be mid July before everything has been presented.

Looking ahead: Expect a sale in June on the website with decent and best-yet discounts for many of the items that have not sold on eBay and for which the problem was most likely the starting price. If unsold they will eventually go back on eBay cheaper, but not with as good of a discount as on this website sale.
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