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Old 15th May 2015, 09:16 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Akaalarms
I agree with Stefan that these are NOT fakes. 17th/18thC and been wire wheeled. I don't think they were ever of the best quality, but they are armoury examples that have been left to rot, and then in recent years been over cleaned.

The form is completely standard for this type of dagger, and the proportions look ok, the fullers and designs on the hood look a little crude, but my gut tells me these are old.
Thanks both Stefan and Runjeet for expressing your views on these katars. Both of you due to your occupations probably have seen many more of this type of thing that I ever will. I have looked all over for any image of such a corroded katar and I could find none, do you or anyone here have an image showing a kater that is so rusted that it would require this type of treatment, all I could find was some very heavily patenated ones but none that were rusted.
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