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Old 13th May 2015, 04:14 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MarineCorps0311
Sounds like I found another Soldier on here. ...
naw, just an ancient mariner, 5 years active & 7 reserve in the USCG. i was in a law enforcement MOS & had to qualify on the range every 3 mo. justincase we stumbled on some baddies. i also burned a lot of powder on the 1000 yd. range in Kodiak, paper targets luckily didn't shoot back. the local wildlife kept you on your toes tho. (leaving the range one snowy day, i found i'd been stalked by a kodiak bear on the way in. - i reloaded my rifle - a scoped .300 win. magnum - & was real careful walking back to my car. i was there when the navy turned base kodiak over to the coast guard, one of the departing marines told me a tale about one night when the OOD did not get his scheduled call from the guard post halfway in to the town. he drove out & found the guard house deserted with two mags worth of .45 acp casings scattered around it. he found the two marines, sadly dead, about 50 yards away where a kodiak bear had dragged them. they found the bear about another 50 yds. on, with two mags worth of .45 slugs in it. my ship (i was the engineering officer), the USCGC Confidence (WMEC-619) was moored across a narrow bay from a flat-topped mountain, we'd see the occasional bear wandering on the mountain a few hundred yards away (and rather near the base buildings).

anyway, noting your avatar, i thought my spiel would be more effective in military terminology.

Last edited by kronckew; 13th May 2015 at 04:24 PM.
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