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Old 11th May 2015, 02:54 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 334

1st axe is an Hungarian style butcher cleaver, judging its size and long integral socket/langet it is a super-size splitter for quartering. They were made in this shape untill WWII.

2nd & 3rd appear to be the same axe from different angles, it is a german-style quartering axe (for the same purpose as the first one). Unlike the other examples posted later on, with off-centered or canted blades made solely for wood-shaping and hewing, the profile is similar but the blade is centered, and there are some additional small differences.
Same form of axes were also used for execution in Germany and Austria, slightly larger. Mind that last beheading by axe in Austria was in 1938.
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