Thread: Sunggingans
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Old 5th May 2015, 10:07 AM   #26
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yes, I can see I misread the reference. Sorry.

If Rens Heringa did use "cosmos" in the sense of world rather than universe, then we have no problems.

However, I always have found this dual meaning rather strange. It is quite correct, Oxford tells me so, but I always read cosmos and universe in the larger sense unless the specific cosmos or universe are either identified or implied.

When we speak of the Gunungan as a cosmic symbol, we are speaking of all in creation, because we know that this is what the Gunungan is related to, but where there is no prior understanding of context these two words --- universe, cosmos --- can very easily be misunderstood.

Even my reference to the Javanese word "buana" can raise misunderstanding, because depending on context, buana can also be read as universe, the only reason that I know that it is our world that is meant in this context is because I have been told so.
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