Thread: Sunggingans
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Old 5th May 2015, 08:43 AM   #25
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey

The word "cosmos" can be used to mean either the universe, or the world in which we live.

It is possible that Rens Heringa intended his use of "cosmos" to mean "the world in which we live", if so then I have no quarrel with that, however, it is more likely that he was misled by a minor misunderstanding in one of the captions in "World ---".
Alan, thank you very much for your explanations again.

I cannot speek for Rens Heringa, yet it seems to be possible, he used "cosmos" in its meaning "the world in which we live".

His reference wasn't "World of Javanese Keris", it was "Cosmic Symbolism in Semen and Alasalasan. Patterns in Javanese Textiles" by Solyom&Solyom in Gittinger, "Indonesian Textiles", 1979.
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