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Old 2nd May 2015, 10:39 PM   #11
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Seerp Visser
David I like the quality of the photographs very much.
Can you give some advise of how to make them?
Thanks Seerp. I think i might have a bit of an edge since photography is my business, but the "secret" to my photos of keris is to keep it simple. I generally use indirect or diffused window light as the main light source and fill in shadows and edge light with a white reflector card. I keep my backgrounds dark and solid so as not to distract from the main subject. I use pro equipment, but many lower end cameras are capable of producing fine images these days.
Of course there are many other ways to approach the matter, both with natural light and strobes if you have the equipment. Below is one thread we have on the subject, but i think there are more if you search.
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