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Old 1st May 2015, 03:18 AM   #5
Keris forum moderator
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Well, there is always room for debate Green, but most collectors and writers i am aware of clearly place the origins of the keris in Jawa. This does not mean that the keris is not a also a piece of Malay cultural heritage, but from all my studies i have never seen keris older that certain examples that are clearly Javanese in origin. Most of the Malay collectors i know seem to agree that the keris began in Jawa and migrated outward to the Peninsula. However, the floor is always open for new information and evidence and i would love to see some Malay keris that have a provenance as early as some Javanese keris i have seen.
Originally Posted by Green
so far haven't come across any to specifically answer my concerns about the (Malay) blade styles.
Perhaps if you voiced your specific concerns you will find someone can answer them. What are you trying to ascertain?
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