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Old 29th April 2015, 06:17 PM   #1
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Default A Very Dressy Siraui

Here is an unusually dressy siraui. I have always thought of these as a working man's(or woman's) utility type knife, but this one and others I have seen here are making me think again. This one has a bird head hilt with a lovely and elaborate silver bound scabbard, complete with a large rosette and silver chains(one damaged). The chape is bone and is solid as it is purely decoration and the blade doesn't go down that far in the scabbard.

A real "eye catching" siraui.


Overall length: 13.5in.
Blade length: 6.25in.
Blade width: just over 3/4in. at the forte
Blade thickness: 1/4in at the forte
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