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Old 29th April 2015, 05:56 PM   #1
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Default Interesting European Influenced Parang

Here is an interesting, likely Indonesian(possibly Malay???), parang with a great deal of mixed Indonesian and European influence.

I realize that these are not prized by collectors and not particularly valuable, but I find them interesting nonetheless, primarily for the cross cultural influences.

The parang at first glance has an almost 'toyish' appearance, but the hilt and blade are all business. The blade is of typical Indonesian style with clear layering. The hilt's grip is a silver Makara figure, but the guard style is quite European outside of the nice naga head at the top of the guard. The scabbard is typically Indonesian in style and but with a European style "cavalry" chape.

I am curious if any other collectors know where these were made. I am assuming this one is late 19th-early 20th century based one the style and quality of the blade and hilt.

Sword Dimensions:

Overall length: 28.5in.
Blade length: 22in.
Blade width: 1in. at the widest point
Blade thickness: just under 1/4in at the forte

Please feel free to add any comments, or correct me on my assumptions.
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