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Old 28th April 2015, 11:25 PM   #1
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Location: Wisconsin, USA
Posts: 415
Talking Rust - Before and After


After many days of work, I'd like to share the results of removing the rust from a Sikin that I acquired some time ago. I am attaching two pictures. One of the sword as it is today. The other is a "before" and "after" composite picture that shows a portion of the middle of the blade and fuller. I tried to line up the features and size in each of the pictures. Both are in color with outdoor diffuse light.

l'll admit that my treatment of the blade was aggressive and some material was lost. However, the condition of the blade was so bad that I could hardly look at it.

I used chemicals (dilute phosphoric acid), mechanical methods including a Dremel tool with a variety of 400 grit diamond tool ends and abrasive finishing attachments, and hand sanding with 320 grit and 400 grit paper, finishing with 5 micron down to 2 micron paper. A little light oil and that's it.

Dave A.
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