Thread: Moro Kris
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Old 14th December 2005, 12:19 PM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255
Thumbs up Admins, can we get a drooling smiley, please? :D=

Congrats for getting this really nice piece, Punal! I reckon you already gave it a light etch? (I didn't saw hints of the gorgeous pattern welding on the ebay pics although I expected it to be hidden by the polishing...)

I remember the blade was pretty long for an archaic kris - about 20"? What's the collected wisdom of the forumites - does this hint at a somewhat later piece (like second half of 18th c.) or how much do blade lengths vary already earlier in this period?

BTW, don't forget to put those other kris back online in separate threads - I'd love to see them, too!

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