Thread: My new mandau
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Old 26th April 2015, 10:17 PM   #1
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Default My new mandau

Just won a bid for a mandau (must be a beginner's luck -my first bidding on ebay and first win) and duly paid and now waiting for the goods to arrive.

The price is modest and I guess the real mandau collectors were not too interested probably for reasons I listed below but I'd love to get your comments about what you think about this mandau.

What I can see is as follows:-

(a) Bad points

1-The hilt and the scabbard were probably not of the same suit. The hilt looked too big for the scabbard and the blade look like a replacement to fit into the shorter length of the scabbard.

2-The whole length is only 59cm which is rather short for average mandau (65cm?)

3- the carving on the hilt looked crude

4- the blade is badly maintained and simple - probably a replacement from the original?

5- the hair on the hilt looked like new human hair

(b) Good points

1- It's a complete set with nice side knife

2- scabbard look good with good carvings

3- the hilt of the main sword and side knife were made of deer horn ? instead of wood.
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