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Old 20th April 2015, 07:00 PM   #15
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Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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aha! - club has arrived.

LOA 28 inches / 71 cm. width of blade roughly 4 in. thickness at blade approx. 1 in. weight 430 grams, just under a pound. tip not as damaged as it looks. sharp edges. definitely a club. it looks OLD, many greasy hand have held this and it looks like it's not been cleaned ever. rough polished surface with smoothed over tool marks under the patina. the two circular spots that i thoght may have been holes are not. they are the stubs of nails, one each side, that have been cut off or broken off and smoothed over. the (dirty) string baldric has sailor's knots, a bowline on the blade and two half hitches with an overhand stopper knot on the bitter end.

we seem to be getting a flood of clubs from the rennel islands recently.
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