Hi Cathey!!
Thank you so much! It is great to continue examining these fascinating examples of these wonderful swords, and the secrets they hold .
As one of those who is hopelessly obsessed with blades and markings

your example in #106 is definitely an exciting array of these. The brass inlay (latten) is a distinct indicator of earlier (17th c. or earlier) blade markings and of course in the group is the 'running wolf'. The other mark is a version of the 'anchor' device popular in Spain an adopted by Solingen makers . It is of course widely speculated as to whether these had distinct meanings or whether simply a favored flourish to enhance inscriptions or motif. As with most blade markings or decoration there is wide variation probably aligned with the artisans used by certain makers and periods.
The other marks are yet undetermined but seem to correspond to other occult/magical or astrological symbols often favored by makers as allusion to imbuement and/or quality in their blades in these times.
Thank you for the additional clarification on the 'Irish' appellation on the hilts. It seems Claude Blair offered a detailed analysis in his work on basket hilts in "Scottish Weapons and Fortifications"ed. David Caldwell) as well.
Eljay, thank you for this interesting example. I always wonder as well on the occurrence of these spherical hilts, which often seem entirely incongruent with certain set styles. I once had one of the British dragoon basket hilts (a huge blade of 40") similar to the one Robson suggested to be a M1788 heavy cavalry officers, and instead of the typical urn type pommel it had a distinct sphere.
Since pommels were I believe often piece work obtained by hilt makers at times, I was wondering if perhaps this might have accounted for these kinds of anomalies.
Nice example!! I think it is certainly 18th century and the blade earlier probably. The 'kings head' (konigskopf) was typically associated with the Wundes famiy of Solingen, and its pairing with the ANDREA FERARA name clearly indicates that 'name' as being used as more of a 'brand' in these blades.