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Old 16th April 2015, 02:09 AM   #6
Gavin Nugent
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Originally Posted by CharlesS
I feel certain that this is meant in a mostly light hearted manner, but let me assure you there are still some of us that do our best to describe and picture things in great detail to avoid any disappointment.

While I am not an arms dealer, I use Ebay to sell some of my duplicate items or when I upgrade a piece, and I don't want any of those terms with those interpretations associated with me. I'd rather have our friends here point out a flawed description than be seen as 'that sort' of seller.

Perhaps it would be better not to assume these are 'blanket' descriptions/interpretations used by everybody that sells something.

Originally Posted by Sajen
You have my full agreement!

You have my full agreement too.

Charles, Package is on the way.
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