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Old 16th April 2015, 01:07 AM   #10
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In some way, this obviously humoristic "glossary" was very much in tune with the currently discussed topic about Tanjore katars.

Yes, there are obviously dishonest dealers who purposefully use code words and incomplete descriptions to present their wares as genuine antiques. Yes, there are scores of obviously newly-made items advertised for astronomical prices on the basis of deceitful description. We all know them .

But perhaps the paranoia went several steps too far.

The relations between the dealers and customers are based on trust. Select your dealer carefully and exercise the law of "caveat emptor" when there is a fantastic piece sold for peanuts ( or for king's ransom) by an unknown and untested seller. Then you consciously take a chance, but this is your personal choice. We all have our walls of shame.

I just think that generalizations are not only unhelpful, but also hurtful and insulting for many honest sellers who are lumped together with the crooked ones. And nothing is more fun than finding a hidden treasure offered for a price of a serving of General Tso' chicken :-)

We are here to enjoy ourselves, not to wage a holy war, aren't we?
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