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Old 11th April 2015, 06:53 PM   #17
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Norman. Well, you're right of course. I too believe in the general consensus: As little as possible, and as much as necessary. I have another Jazail that I will eventually post. It is more highly decorated and in very good condition as is. The only work I will do to it is clean the inside of the barrel. And have the lock cleaned and tuned. It will simply reside in my collection.
To make a safe shooting gun you have to search for just the right candidate. Better than a wall hanger, but not so good as to alter a nice collectors piece. This Jazail was just a couple of steps above a basket case. But it also had an original Barnett export lock versus a locally made copy. The mainspring was too strong and had to be reduced and re-hardened. Works fine now. Sparks very well. Yes!!! It's a blast to shoot. I do plan on a series of YouTube videos while shooting these guns. Hopefully this Summer, but next Summer for sure. There are plenty of videos of guys shooting original/replica European and U.S. Made arms. But I've never seen any footage actually shooting these Middle Eastern guns. So maybe I'll be the first. Rick.
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