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Old 10th April 2015, 09:07 PM   #173
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 157

Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I live in the Netherlands and have a broad interest in European history and warfare through the ages.

Few weeks ago i bought this cannon wich was original unearthed in the surrounding of Nijmegen. The man i bought it from, kept it in his barn for 40 years.

Maybe some of you have already seen it on a other forum where i posted it.

I saw this great tread about 15e century cannons, so perhaps may recognize one of the members this specific type. I have already received some very good info on the other forum but maybe someone can tell if there is a name for this type of short cannon and what the purpose was (defensive, offensive?).

It's Forged, 54cm long and the bore has a caliber of 11,5cm. Its a breech loader with an internal ring in the breech end. The strange thing is, and i can not find it on other ones, that it has zigzag decoration on the rings. Not all the way around but 3/4 of the diameter. My gues is that the part that lay in the mount was left smooth. According to a specialist on the other forum "not arsenal made". What is your opinion?
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