hello everyone. I have not been Posting or starting new Treads here on the Forum for a long time. So I need to get back into the Party.
Those are some really nice powder and bullet containers posted above. Thanks for sharing.
Here is my collection of Ethno powder and bullet containers. I can describe each, but most of them will be familiar to you.
Bandook: That is a good idea. If all of us on this Tread will post pics of their Ethnographic firearms, I believe we could all enjoy a good time. There's not that many of us that are interested in the guns. Most are interested in the blades and armour (I don't blame them). My special area of interest are the Balkan/Ottoman/Turkish/Greek, etc. flintlock firearms. Some I have have been restored to firing condition.

I've only posted a couple in the past, but have many more if you are all interested. Would also like to see your guns! What do you all think? Thanks, Rick.