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Old 3rd April 2015, 02:40 AM   #7
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello David,

Thanks for posting that beauty of yours!

I have shown this keris to another group of collectors and frankly the thoughts on origins were all over the place from Sumatra to the Peninsula
The pendokok and hilt are classic Terengganu style and also the scabbard and blade suit this designation. I'd believe the hilt to be not antique - possibly post-WW2.

The eyes in the parrot seem to be cut glass, but could be rock crystal
Very likely glass (very commonly utilised, even in antique pieces).

The flashing grain woods on the sheath are quite intense and beautifully arranged.
Yes, very nice wood, especially for a somewhat newer piece!

Some folks have suggested to me that this is an anak alang, but if so it is of a dhapur i have never seen on other blades of that category. :shrug
I'd posit that this blade was intentionally designed to resemble the Bangkinang family of blades while being based on a more generic keris blade design. A nice touch IMHO!

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