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Old 30th March 2015, 02:13 PM   #2
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
Posts: 926
Exclamation Special 'Cut Out the Middleman Sale'

Oops, look like I used up the Estate's free auctions listing quota for March, so what to do? Easy answer, pay the listing fees. Chosen work around answer: offer the items direct, less, of course the 10% sales commission!

If there is something you have been watching and teetering on, hoping it would come down a bit, now is the chance. The 10% discount is on top of some items already recently discounted.

Check it out at the Preview Page

But remember ... it all heads back to auction on Sunday, April 5 and what starts at auction also finishes at auction.

Please also follow the page as fresh items are first presented there. Everything should have been presented by mid summer.
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