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Old 29th March 2015, 10:44 PM   #6
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Default More pictures

Thank you all for your comments.

Here are a few more pictures. This is the weapon as received, before cleaning.

The overall length is 27 inches. The blade is 22 inches long measured along the spine. The blade width is 1 ½ inches. In the final 1 ¼ inch of the blade, the edge curves up in a quarter circle radius to the tip. The blade features a single wide fuller on both sides in the first 15 inches from the forte along the top edge. The blade is ⅜ inch thick at forte, tapering distally to point. The hilt is 4 ½ inches long and made of hardwood. Hilt is oval cross-section, increasing in size and turning slowly downward to pommel. It somewhat resembles the kind of hilt you might find on a sewar, but not a sikin.

Willem, I would be grateful for a link to a good example of Atjeh floral decoration.

Best Regards,

Dave A.
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