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Old 29th March 2015, 05:11 PM   #1
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Default Is this a Cross Cultural Yunnan Dha?

I'd love more info on this fascinating dha/daab/dao sword. As a lover of cross cultural pieces, this strikes me as having both Burmese and Chinese influences, so I am suggesting it is Yunnan, but am open to other thoughts and input.

The silver work on the scabbard has both Chinese and Burmese influence. Note the fine filigree work on the fittings, and of course the dragon motif. The flowers appear to be set turquoise and corals(?). The tassel is original to the piece.

The blade is rather plain, showing some low contrast layering and a clear tempered edge.

When I first saw it I thought it could not be very old, but the silver was heavily and deeply patinated(see the fittings), and the faceted hilt and blade clearly show their age. Perhaps this is late 19th century to very early 20th century work?

Thanks for any thoughts.
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