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Old 20th March 2015, 07:06 PM   #11
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this one is sold for GBP 240.000 at Thomas del mar in 2007, an absolute record.

AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE SCOTTISH HIGHLAND TWO HAND SWORD, CLAIDHEAMH MOR, THIRD QUARTER OF THE 16TH CENTURY with broad flat blade cut with a pair of fullers and incised with lines on each face, stamped with two dagger-like marks, a star, and the letters 'L K' a running wolf between, rectangular ricasso struck with a Pi mark on one side (rubbed, slightly bent), steel hilt comprising a pair of robust downward-slanting quillons of flattened-hexagonal section with characteristic quatrefoil terminals, rounded collar flattened on each side, a pair of attenuated langets filed with a series of lines at the base, small wheel pommel drawn-out on each side in the centre, and later wooden grip (cleaned throughout) 97cm; 38 1/4in blade Inv. no. E035 Remarkably few of these very distinctive swords have survived, the majority of which are preserved in institutional collections. No other examples have appeared on the market in recent years. For a discussion of Scottish two hand swords and their chronology see T. Willis 1996, pp. 16-19. Swords blades of this period with the same group of marks are preserved in the Landeszeughaus Graz, inv. nos. BL166 and BL168. £50000-80000

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