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Old 12th March 2015, 02:48 PM   #5
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Thank you guys,

Yes Barry, it has certainly been exposed to elements and probably also burried or partly burried on the ground of some shed. The level of corrosion is less than that of excavation although is now partly attenuated, due to the exhaustive (steel) brushing to eliminate the aluminum paint that covered it.
And as said, i am anxious to check on the other example the seller promised to bring to the next montlhly fair, to resume some conjectures, like the short handle and the blade tip.

Maybe Goliath has owned it Marcus; and probably it lost its point when he used it as a tooth pick .

You are perfectly right on your assumption Collin;and from those axes and sythes more sophisticated weapons were developed through the need of their modification for battle, like halberds and so.
The hole in the socket is also often seen in Europe. I would bet a fair amount that this thing is Portuguese.
... and has already got a rustic nail.

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