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Old 8th March 2015, 08:53 PM   #1
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Wink An Ethno European tool/weapon ... or just weapon

This could be considered a tool/weapon but i take it that a couple details in it shows a visible evolution to the weapon status; what they would call in Portugal a 'chuço', a rural weapon used by foot men since medieval times, for which i have no translation better than pike. In this case i would venture giving it a considerable age.
The more noteworthy detail is that the blade is double edged, whereas to my humble knowledge rural tools are typicaly single edged. Actualy some bevel may be noticed, specialy on the straight side.
The other thing is the way the blade is marked; one dot in one side and four dots on the other, a system used many centuries ago.
The handle is also very old, but i wonder if it is a broken stump of a long polearm, as chuços would be; this not rejecting that the purpose was to use it as a hand weapon.
The street fair seller said he left at home another similar example; within a month i will see that he brings it to the fair and then i can look for important differences like the haft length and the blade point.
Just a pity that the previous owner has painted this and other rural objects with aluminum paint, to hang them in a restaurant wall. It was not easy to rub it off.
Blade length 22 cms. plus 11 cms. socket. Total length 57 cms.
Anyone care to comment ?

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Last edited by fernando; 9th March 2015 at 06:19 PM. Reason: IMPROVING PICTURES
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