Thread: Yari
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Old 27th February 2015, 11:55 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by kronckew
as a surprise, the point and the bo tip came in a nice japanese wooden plain un-lacquered box that looks very old and stained. there is calligraphy on the box lid and one character on the inner surface of the lid with a red chop mark. the ends of the box have semi-circular cradles for the point & short wood section. the wood box joints are all perfect. i initially couldn't see where the box came apart. wyou can't tell where the joins are by feel. made by a darn good box master. heck, the box is probably worth more than i paid for the point. the point is worth a heck of a lot more than i paid, i'm fairly certain.
It is a Japanese scroll box, they are quite good for storage, I have a couple that I store tanto and yari in.
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