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Old 24th February 2015, 03:07 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by kronckew
i like that.

i have heard of knives that have been static on one location for a long time gaining magnetism as the iron slowly aligns itself with the local earth field. i set little credence in it until one pf mine did. it could pick up a small paper clip. can't remember which one it was now,

my badik no. one is simpler, like your other one, badek no. two is pamour bladed. note the swirl near the bolster, your black handled one seems to have a similar swirl in the pattern welding.
Thank you for your answer, an interesting theory. Only the tip and the first 5 mm are magnetic and there is no other type of steel, the pattern running through the whole surface. Quite strange.

I would polish the blade with the black hilt, the loss of material is not too big but your blade can became a real eyecandy.

Thank you for showing.

Best wishes Roland
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