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Old 2nd February 2015, 10:38 AM   #12
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Scotland
Posts: 340
Default MF


I had this filed away - it may be of use but unfortunately it does not show an MF. Regards, CC.

Registration of Firearms (Ireland) Act of 22nd August 1843, provided for the granting of licences to the owners of firearms and required the arms to be marked under the superintendency of the County Inspector of the Constabulary Force. The letters of the mark denote the county or the county of the city or town where the arm was registered, and the number indicates the registration as specified in the licence.
AN Antrim
AR Armagh
C-W Carlow
C-N Cavan
C-L Clare
ER Cork
E-C Cork
WR Cork
W-C Cork
D-L Donegal
D-N Down
DU Dublin
F Fermanagh
G Galway
KE Keryy
K-D Kildare
K-K Kilkenny
K-S King's County
LE Leitrim
L-K Limerick
L-Y Londonderry
L-D Longford
L-H Louth
MA Mayo
ME Meath
M-N Monaghan
Q Queen's County
R Roscommon
S Sligo
NR Tipperary
N-T do.
SR do.
S-T do.
T-Y Tyrone
WA Waterford
W-M Westmeath
W-X Wexford
WI Wicklow
C-B Cork Borough
K-B Kilkenny Borough
L-B Limerick Borough
W-B Waterford Borough
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