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Old 28th January 2015, 11:56 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by colin henshaw
Very interesting piece, thanks for posting. The geometric carving certainly has an Oceanic look (Austral Islands ?), probably from a paddle or club shaft. The metal bits look as if added by a European, so my best guess is ... its a sailor's or beachcomber's cosh or "handy billy"... 19th century at least ?


Thanks for the feedback. The geometric patterns definitely have an Oceanic look to them and I agree the Austral Islands could be a possibility but typically their carvings are much more refined than on this example. I don't think it is from a paddle shaft although as you can probably see from the pictures it is narrower at the handle and the widens at the end but the cross section there is quite round and I would think a paddle would be flatter. The overall length is 27" so I suppose it could be a shortened club but I have seen many clubs over the years of this same length. I agree the iron and leather are European but any ideas what country had contact in these areas(supposing in and around Austral Islands) and how early?
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