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Old 23rd January 2015, 07:39 PM   #7
Fernando K
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 670


The presence of two crossed scepters indicates the "private punch" of the Tower. It was the punch that was submitted by manufacturers, to weapons that were destined to the civilian market, not the Crown. The "Board of Ordnance" in the Tower, had his own dyno and submitted this to the barrel bought from private manufacturers and testing also admitted of the barrel for the civilian market. Regulatory weapons they received the punch of the two cross and crowned (in addition to the figure of the reigning monarch) scepters and arms for individuals were receiving the same punch, but applied twice.

The absence in the lock of the actual figure, GR and "broad arrow" indicates that a lock intended to be sold to the Crown use and does not get to be used in a service weapon, and the presence of "private punch "the Tower, which is a weapon intended for the civilian market.

The other punches corresponds to Testbed Birmingham, before 1813

Affectionately. Fernando K
(Sorry for the translator)
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