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Old 23rd January 2015, 07:07 PM   #5
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Default Proof Marks and Dating

Some clear pics of the proof marks will confirm the origin of this piece. It should be noted though, that the Crown and GR on the lock narrows the age down somewhat. IF the GR is George 3rd then he reigned 1760 to 1820, and was followed by George 4th from 1820 to this narrows things down to a span of only 70 years.
The next king George reigned from 1910 which is too late for this piece.

Ken.....Looks as if our posts crossed. I will check my book on Proof and come back.

Well that did not take long....
On the Blunderbus the marks are English used from 1750 to 1800 so that would point to George 3rd. These would be London marks as the Birmingham Proof House was not established until 1813.
The marks on the pistol seem to be London PROVED (Crown and P) and VIEW (Crown and V) marks. I cannot be 100% sure of these marks as they do not exactly match, but are similar to marks for Proved and View used by the London Proof House.

Last edited by kahnjar1; 23rd January 2015 at 07:27 PM.
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