Thread: Guaraní
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Old 20th January 2015, 04:27 PM   #7
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You are right Tim. I just felt like showing a real Amerindian club example, instead of just drawings. As i said, it is a club from the Tukano tribes, which in fact are not from the Guarani/Tupi group.
On the other hand, the Guaranis are a large native people family, present in six different Brazilian States.
In any case, the hero quoted in the thread was born in the 7 missions (situated in nowadays Rio Grande do Sul); thus the name attributed to such group being the Guaranis Missioneiros.
Probably such natives, being strongly influenced by Jesuits, adopted a more 'modern' type of weaponry, although the clubs relative to their ancestors would have been the Ibirapemas, as per above stilyzed drawings/paints.
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