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Old 26th December 2014, 03:49 PM   #24
Jens Nordlunde
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I just read this thread once more, as I had forgotten most of the discussion.

Jim, you are in trouble, deep trouble, but I will let you off the hook this time, as very few knows this. You wrote in post 13, "These are stated to be from Hyderabad, which of course is in the Deccan". Wrong - these is also a Hyderabad in Sind (Pakistan) - but it is not very well known, so adding Deccan removes any doubt about from where it is.

Ariel, it is nine years ago I wrote the thread, and I was amazed that you found it, how many had a look at it.
I dont know from where the word Sailaba origins, but I tend to believe that it is of Turkish origin, as the Turkish influence was very strong in Deccan.
Unfortunately I dont know much, hardly anything, about the origin of the different words, other that it seem as if many of te European words come from Sanskrit.

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