If you look twice at the top of the page Marcus, you will notice that
www.vikingsword.com is the name of the site and, right below, Ethnographic Arms & Armour (in larger font) is the name of the forum; the same name figuring in the notifications and correspondence you receive.
Also if you click on the said 'logo', you will see that the forum is not resumed to discussion areas but also open to a wide range of subjects, including articles in the most varied type of arms.
On the other hand, it might occur to you and others that, those responsible for the forum know (and have written) more about viking swords than a lot of us together; so they know very well what and how they intend to do things. No disdain seems appropriate. Confusing a kaskara with a viking sword is something that doesn't occur even to non scholar collectors, i venture
But that is not the issue, for what matters.
You know the saying "We can't please Greeks and Trojans" ?
So let's not through more wood in the fire, once you made your (or others

) point, dear Marcus