Thread: Poo Rapa
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Old 20th December 2014, 04:39 PM   #6
kronckew's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Room 101, Glos. UK
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club has arrived, the only thing i can add to the posts above is that it weighs 260 grams (0.57 lb or 9.17 oz.)

the serrated 'edge' is sharp all the way around. there is some very slight wear on the short edge, leading me to think it has been used, and that it is used like an axe, and by thrusting like a maori patu. there is a very small chip off the rounded exterior 'corner' of the short edge. the grip is not uncomfortable, the serrations add to keeping a secure grip. not sure if it would remain comfortable with sustained use, but i doubt a combat with it would last long, win or lose.

there are parallel scratches transverse and longitudinal that appear to be from sanding with, er...sand. it has an lightly varnished but matt surface. could be an oil finish.

the holes are all the same, about 1/8 in. & look like they are from a modern twist drill. one hole had a small seed husk in it, but no seed. overall, some slight dings from handling.

the coconut fibre hanging loop is braided & looks old. it has a much thinner tan cotton loop added that appears to have once been attached to a, sadly now missing, label tag that may have had more info.

i'll try to get some more photos and add this to the cook island club thread over the next few days.
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