Thread: Syrian Dagger
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Old 19th December 2014, 09:12 PM   #6
Oliver Pinchot
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 460

The only characteristics that suggest any Circassian influence at all are the general use of niello and the zigzag matting. I've seen examples of Ottoman provincial/Arab work which clearly duplicate Circassian motifs, these really don't.
The inscriptions bear this out. Circassian work with any epigraphy whatever, no matter how elaborate or simple the overall piece, will be well-calligraphed. This is not, however. The signature Work of Muhammad Mabri (?) and the benedictions Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim (Blessing of God, Most Merciful and Compassionate) and Nasr min Allah wu fath qarib (Victory from God and conquest nigh) seem hastily executed by comparison. That said, it is an especially aesthetic example of its type. Most of these were made from Baghdad to Damascus between the world wars.
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