17th December 2014, 05:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Bavaria, Germany - the center of 15th and 16th century gunmaking
Posts: 4,310
Originally Posted by Spiridonov
Michael, thank You for this great photos of breechloader. I think that cartridge for this gun was longer than breech thereby rear end of cartridge should be a little sticking out of the breech. When the breech block lift up it cut away rear end of the cartridge (like a guillotine) and powder fall on the deepening of breech block. So there is no need to fill powder on the pan from powder flask.
Hi Alexander,
Your idea sounds brilliant and at the same time both logical and very practical - thank you indeed! 
The only thing that still makes me ponder is that very spacious trough on top of the barrel, right around the touch hole area. Do you think it was possible that, when closing the breech shut and ripping open the paper of the cartridge, enough powder was pressed up out, and all the way through the thick iron barrel wall, and the tiny touch hole, unto it actually filled that large pan-like trough?
I'm not sure about that thesis.
But as you have the same gun in St. Petersburg - why not simple go there and practice with it, right there in the museum?
Best wishes as ever, my brillant friend,