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Old 22nd November 2014, 12:00 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 18
Default Interesting Totokia......Musket/Pistol shot.....NOT Inlays !!!

Thanks for your comment and interest in this club.........I am aware that clubs with lead inlays do exist but these are Not inlays, they really are musket/pistol shot, and here's why...............One of the shot is loose enough to lift up about 10mm but no more because it has "mushroomed" on contact and swollen inside the shaft, just like you would expect to find if you fired a musket ball into a barn door,( the lead has almost liquefied on
impact). The hole its made is as much a dent/crater as a hole. This has not been been drilled and it's not a deformity/knot in the grain, it's been caused by compression/penetration. The other musket ball has also dented the shaft on impact. There are also several other areas of the club that have tiny fragments of lead embedded in the wood that I would say are the result of lead shot hitting the club but at such an angle that they have failed to penetrate like the others and skidded off the wood.
I also doubt if anyone would drill such deep (20-25mm) into the shaft and hammer lead shot into it,as this would have weakened the shaft to the point that it's split.
Finally....Let's imagine that I am right about the Musket balls.......and that the club had been used in a battle against an enemy armed with Muskets and Pistols......Bullets/shot must have been flying everywhere as well as a great deal of blood!!! All the best Kinkini
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