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Old 21st November 2014, 04:56 PM   #6
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543

Hi All,
I appreciate the time you have all taken to reply to my enquiry.
As a new forum member who does not know a lot about such things I do not like always to be asking questions without giving much in the way of contributions.
Great to get a confirmation that my hunch was correct, I have some French armour form the 1830's and the difference in weight was what made me think this might be the genuine item, for the price of 2 take out pizzas I was prepared to gamble.

I have put up some pictures of the remnants of the studs and the mark on the neck for the sake of completion of the post, I do not think the mark will tell much as there is not a lot of definition.

I am not much into cleaning things beyond active rust, not laziness mind you, just I question too much restoration and patina removal. However, would it be wise to remove the varnish or just leave it as part of the history of the item, I have full access to any solvents and fume hoods as I work in chemistry so if you know of any good varnish removers please advise, di chloromethane would be my first choice but am open to suggestions.
Again thanks and regards
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