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Old 3rd November 2014, 12:33 PM   #7
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Hi Roland,

Perhaps the tone of Cornelistromp's reply was too vivid. Surely he got a bit touched by your statement, considering his knowledge of this type of swords, being himself also a collector and reportedly documented in the subject.
However given that you felt offended with it, he has always the opportunity to repair his approach.
On the other hand, considering that such reaction was originated by your firm contradiction to the contents of his thread, you might have as well come around and expand the evidence of your categorical observations, as it seems you are also solid within the area.
That this forum is unfriendly because of this ephemeral episode, is surely a subjective remark; it definitely lacks the basis to become objective.
Obviously you are left free to choose your options; no one wishes you being here against your desire.

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