Thread: Omani khanjar
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Old 30th October 2014, 01:51 PM   #25
Richard G
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 409

The khunjar in post #6 has a fine silver face of closely placed pins. In my experience the material of the hilt itself is probably worthy of closer inspection.

The jambiya in post #14 is, as Khanjar1 says, now thought to be KSA. A convincing point, to me, as Ibrahim points out, is the two small lugs on the rear of the scabbard which would facilitate attachment to a wide Yemeni style belt, and be redundant on a true Omani khunjar. Ruth Hawley's book (1978) on Omani silver illustrates a similar jambiya, but on an Omani belt, which she attributes 'probably' to the Sharqiyah in Oman. This attribution may be wrong, but I think we can safely assume the khunjar was in Oman, when she acquired it. I stiil wouldn't bet my house some of these might not have been made in Oman.

The King Feisal Centre Exhibition catalogue has two jambiya with this type of scabbard (page 56) described as from Al Ahsa, 'contemporary' (1990) and 'Doojaniyan' . I often wondered what that meant. Now, thanks to Mr Alnakkas, I know. But, would the the inhabitants of Al Ahsa, which is a long way from the Asir wear their jambiya on a Yemeni type belt, or an Omani type ? Does anyone know more of Abdulaziz Al Dojani ? I am beginning to think he must have had a sizeable workshop, if we knew where it was (or is), some attributions might be more certain.


Last edited by Richard G; 30th October 2014 at 02:07 PM.
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